Recycling Program a Good Start

The Town of Patagonia has now launched its new recycling program. It’s a simple one that I believe will prove to be phenomenally successful.

Readers of this newspaper can ensure its success by following the rules of recycling in this program closely and supporting it with a donation. Especially if you live out of town, a donation would be a wonderful way to thank the town for footing the bill to transport and process your recyclables. Helping out during the collections is another way to help sustain it.

These actions all help create a sustainable recycling program: 

Volunteers help keep labor costs down; donations provide direct financial support; and the town saves on tipping fees when recyclables are diverted from the landfill. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

As enthusiastic as I am about this new opportunity to elevate our local recycling game, I recognize that recycling alone will not save this planet. It is the part of the reduce-reuse-recycle triad with the least potential for reversing humanity’s race to oblivion…but it is a start. 

Bob Brandt


That Was Easy!

The Town of Patagonia Recycling Program started today.

There was a large group of volunteers and Town employees waiting for me when I arrived. Quickly they emptied my load and sent me on my way with a “Thank you!”

My “thanks” to all of them for their help—they made it very easy.

Murphy Music


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