Senior Citizens of Patagonia, Inc. will hold its Annual Meeting on Jan. 14 at 3 p.m. in the Senior Center, during which Board Members and Officers will be elected. This is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Anyone interested in learning the financial and grant reporting systems, as Assistant Treasurer, is encouraged to volunteer.

Our three vans (two in Patagonia and one in Sonoita) are used continuously by people needing rides to doctor visits, hospitals and shopping. More volunteer drivers are needed. Only a driver’s license and a good driving record are required. If interested, please call 394-2494 and leave a message.

Lunches are served Monday to Friday for seniors and people with disabilities at the Patagonia senior center. As our government grant covers only half the cost of these meals, donations are suggested although not required.

A grant from Delta Dental will cover part or all of dental visits for seniors, depending upon the cost. Please call 394-2494 for further information.