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Starstruck: Cycles of Life

On a recent hike, while looking out for snakes and occasionally losing all sense of time and place, my thoughts settled on the endless examples of the cycles of life we find all around us. Huge trees, once spectacular, were now broken and decaying, giving life to countless organisms. Bird nests reminded me that, for […]

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Starstruck: A Sign

What’s your sign? I’m born under Sagittarius, the Archer. December. Interestingly, Sagittarius is actually part of our summer sky, rising in the southeast in late May. It is one of the twelve members of the zodiac, the group of constellations that is not only important in astronomy, but also integral to those who follow astrology. […]

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Starstruck: The Little Things

We may, now more than ever, desperately need kindness, love, and compassion. I think, however, that humility should come first. A piece of genetic material just a fraction of the width of human hair has killed millions of people in just the past year. The biggest and strongest amongst us is as much at risk […]

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Starstruck: Widening Our Field of View

One of the great winter constellations is Gemini. Located just a bit north and east from Orion, it leads with the bright, mellow orange star, Pollux. Alongside, bluer, and not as dominant, is his brother Castor. Another eight stars help to give Gemini its shape. Various cultures have provided different names for this grouping, but […]

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Starstruck: The Albireo Double

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I, like so many others, watched events unfold that I knew would forever change us. That evening I found some level of comfort, of distance, in the views generated through the telescope housed at the Flandrau Planetarium on the University of Arizona campus. My effort to postpone this […]